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In 2007, we completed a new building for our orphanage. All the children have been enjoying their stay and the fellowship with our big "family."

Sadly, we face water shortages within the campus. We have been praying for a permanent solution for this problem and have drilled many borewells within the campus to eradicate this water shortage but eventually, they have dried up. Our friends and family around the world have come forward in support of this cause, and we have made several attempts to stop the water shortage.

Recently, before the COVID-19 pandemic, we applied for a water pipeline connection. The campus next to us has gotten a connection of this water pipeline, and this line runs adjacent to our campus. During the lockdown period, we have made several appeals to the Government and their officials on this matter. In the month of September, we were approved for a water line connection to the campus!

We had previously dug a 12-foot deep water storage well, during the construction of the Children's Home building back in 2006. Now we are in need to complete the construction of the unit so that the water from the pipeline can flow and be stored in the underground unit. We hope and pray that this could eradicate the water scarcity on the campus for the children. We are estimating $15,000 for us to complete the construction of the water storage unit.

This clean drinking water storage system will supply all the needs for the children on campus. God willing, once we complete the construction of the underground drinking water storage system, the children will be utilizing this widely for all purposes (washing, cleaning, and drinking).

Thank you for prayerfully considering partnering with us on this project.