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Dalit English Medium Primary School:

REASON: The Dalit community has not put an emphasis on education and its benefits for their children. As I (Ashir) come from a Dalit family, I know the struggles a child has to go through to get a quality education. Things have remained unchanged in the mindsets of the villagers. Eventually, their kids grow up and start daily wage jobs and settle with very minimal and low earning careers.

MISSION: Our mission is to give the children in the community a good head start for their bright futures. Getting a quality education is still a dream for many in the local community, and we want to ensure that quality education is within their reach.

ACTION: We have been led to start a Primary school that will serve the children from Kindergarten to Class 5. After establishing a good foundation in the primary school, the children can continue their further studies in the Government High School which is right next to the campus.  

GOALS: Children from the downtrodden communities will be given a quality education that will be affordable to the common villager. This increases the literacy rate in the region.

The local government has recently passed new legislation which states that two genders are not to stay on one campus. Following the rule, we have taken a step and installed a wall separating the girls’ side of the building from the boys' side. The Government had inspected and approved the wall.

They have since had a great turnover in the Department that governs our orphanage and have tightened their regulations and made changes rapidly. If we build a school on campus, many of the "violations" would not apply and this would lessen our pressure. 

COST: The cost for building the primary school would be approximately 43,50,000 Rupees ( ≤$60,000). 

1st YEAR EXPENSES: To run the school for the first year, we would need $8,500. This would cover all the expenses including staff salaries and the building maintenance.

The total cost for this project is close to $70,000. Would you prayerfully consider supporting the project with your prayers and financial gifts?