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The Lord called us and united us to restore His people by attending to the wounded heart, giving freedom to the captive, and bringing light to the nations.

"Ho light of the lights, we want to be carriers of YOUR torch. Help us light torches in You and keep them burning. Save us from the presumption of trying to put our light in others, but help us to illuminate the path that leads to JESUS CHRIST."

El Señor nos llamo y nos unió para restaurar a su pueblo atendiendo al corazón herido, dar libertad al cautivo, y llevar luz a las naciones.

"Ho luz de las luces, queremos ser portadores de TU antorcha. ayúdanos a encender antorchas en TI y mantenerlas encendidas. Sálvanos de la presunción de intentar poner nuestra luz en los demás, pero ayúdanos a alumbrarles el camino que conduce a JESUCRISTO"