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Your gift of $25/month (or $300/year) helps sponsor a child to go to school, purchase school supplies, feed, mentor, and tutor them. We also do weekly Bible studies with them to expose them to the truth of the Gospel since many of them are not being raised in a Christian home.

Hesed Children’s Club is a Bible club and tutoring program that serves orphans and vulnerable children at two locations. In the villages of Olivier and Petit-Berquin, we hold tutoring sessions for children who struggle in school and/or those who have not been in school. We help them with homework, share Bible stories, and provide nutritious meals. Through games, crafts, and songs, they learn that Jesus loves them. Our goal is to share the Gospel message with orphans and vulnerable children while tangibly demonstrating the love of Christ by sending them to school as well as clothing, feeding, tutoring, and mentoring them resulting in a changed life.